1. Technical Program
Presentation time:
Plenary talk: 35-minute presentation and 10-minute Q&A
Invited talk: 25-minute presentation and 5-minute Q&A

Prof. Joseph A. Izatt
Duke Univ., USA
New Optical Technologies for Real-Time Interactive Biomedical Imaging and Image-Guided Surgery
Prof. Susumu Noda
Kyoto Univ., Japan
Progress of photonic-crystal surface-emitting lasers for smart mobility and smart manufacturing
Prof. Byoungho Lee
Seoul National Univ., Korea
Optics for virtual reality, augmented reality and metaverse

2. Session list for OSK-OSA-OSJ Joint Symposia on Optics
Date Session Session Code Time (GMT+9) Title/Presenter
July 5 (Mon) Optical Science I
Chair: Seung Ah Lee
(Yonsei Univ.)
M1B-X-.01 10:45~11:15 The new frontier of space-time optics and photonics
Ayman Abouraddy(University of Central Florida, CREOL, USA)
M1B-X-.02 11:15~11:45 Nanomaterial-enhanced Integrated Photonics
Andrea Armani(University of Southern California, USA)
M1B-X-.03 11:45~12:15 Deep learning enhanced individual nuclear detection
Dohun Kim(Seoul National University)
Optical Science II
Chair: Hyunyong Choi
(Seoul National Univ.)
M2B-X-.01 13:30~14:00 Meta-optics for enhanced phase contrast imaging
Ann Roberts(University of Melbourne, Australia)
M2B-X-.02 14:00~14:30 Control of near-field enhancements by coupled nano-engineered metallic particles
Kosei Ueno(Hokkaido University)
M2B-X-.03 14:30~15:00 Nonequilibrium electron dynamics in femtosecond heated warm dense matter
Byoung-Ick Cho(Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology)
Optical Science III
Chair: Byoung-Ick Cho
M3B-X-.01 15:15~15:45 Single shot terahertz and ultrafast spectroscopy for investigation of laser-induced irreversible phenomena
Ikufumi Katayama(Yokohama National University)
M3B-X-.02 15:45~16:15 Slow light in metamaterial waveguide
Tomohiro Amemiya(Tokyo Inst. of Technology)
M3B-X-.03 16:15~16:45 Computational lensless imaging for biomedical applications
Seung Ah Lee(Yonsei University)
July 6 (Tue) Plenary Session
Chairs: Donghyun Kim
(Yonsei Univ.)
Min-Kyo Seo
Myung-Ki Kim
(Korea Univ.)
Plenary1 13:15~14:00 New optical technologies for real-time interactive biomedical imaging and image-guided surgery
Joseph A. Izatt(Duke University, USA)
Plenary2 14:00~14:45 Progress of photonic-crystal surface-emitting lasers for smart mobility and smart manufacturing
Susumu Noda(Kyoto University, Japan)
Plenary3 14:45~15:30 Optics for virtual reality, augmented reality and metaverse
Byungho Lee(Seoul National University, Korea)
July 7 (Wed) Applied Optics I
Chair: Jiyeon Choi
W1B-XI-.01 09:00~09:30 3D Phase and fluorescence microscopy with scattering samples
Laura Waller(University of California Berkeley, USA)
W1B-XI-.02 09:30~10:00 Quantitative phase imaging and artificial intelligence
YongKeun Park(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
W1B-XI-.03 10:00~10:30 Ultrafast imaging by holography using a femtosecond-pulsed laser
Yasuhiro Awatsuji(Kyoto Institute of Technology)
Applied Optics II
Chair: Jae-Hyeung Park
(Inha Univ.)
W2B-XI-.01 10:45~11:15 Advances in ultrafast laser microstructuring of glass for optical and biomedical applications
Jiyeon Choi(Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials)
W2B-XI-.02 11:15~11:45 Arbitrary and multiple focusing based on TAG lens and nanoseconds timing control
Hiromasa Oku(Gunma University)
W2B-XI-.03 11:45~12:15 Laser micro-machining with adaptive optics based on machine learning
Satoshi Hasegawa(Utsunomiya University)
Applied Optics III
Chair: Jungwon Kim
W3B-XI-.01 13:30~14:00 Color holographic display with reduced speckle using digital micromirror device and error diffusion
Jae-Hyeung Park(Inha University)
W3B-XI-.02 14:00~14:30 Quantum sensor innovation at the UK National Quantum Technology Hub Sensors and Timing
Kai Bongs(University of Birmingham, UK)
W3B-XI-.03 14:30~15:00 Frontiers in nanophotonics: enabling technology for next-generation biosensors
Hatice Altug(Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland)
3. Topics of 'Applied Optics'
  • Optical design
  • Laser-based manufacturing and micro-machining
  • Optical measurement and sensing
  • Sensing for the environment
  • Information optics
  • Computational imaging
  • Display Technology including Augmented VR
  • Bioimaging and biosensing
  • Machine learning
  • Quantum communications & computing
  • Others
Applied Optics Chairs:
Jungwon Kim, KAIST, Korea
Frederique Vanholsbeeck, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Yusuke Ogura, Osaka University, Japan

4. Topics of 'Optical Science'
  • Nanophotonics
  • Plasmonics
  • Ultrafast phenomena
  • Terahertz photonics
  • Nonlinear optics
  • Laser physics
  • Material processing
  • Optoelectronics
  • Quantum optics
  • Others
Optical Science Chairs:
Hyunyong Choi, Seoul National University, Korea
Mercedeh Khajavikhan, University of Southern California, USA
Madoka Ono, Hokkaido University, Japan

Optical Society of Korea (OSK)
#1610 Taeyoung Dessian, 320 Dongmak-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul 04157, Korea
TEL. +82-2-3452-6560 FAX. +82-2-3452-6563 E-mail. osk@osk.or.kr

Business Registration Number: 220-82-00589, President Yun-Woo, Lee

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